En af verdens største og mest prestigefyldte e-sport organisationer gennem tiden, fnatic, har annonceret, at de åbner en Hearthstone afdeling. Dette sker med erhvervelsen af svenske Bertil "Frezzar" Fall, der senest var at finde ved DreamHack Summer 2014.

Et nyt kapitel starter i dag for fnatic, eftersom de har valgt at slutte sig til det yderst populære kortspil, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Deres første spiller har kun deltaget til en enkel turnering, hvor det blev til en 5. - 8. plads, efter han kom igennem BYOC.

Frezzar er nok bedst kendt fra hans præstation i ranked, hvor han i sæson tre sluttede som nummer #1 på EU-serveren. Selv siger talentet følgende omkring hans nye organisation.

Joining Fnatic is one of the best things that has happened in my life. I hope I can make all the fans proud and show them the wonderful world of Hearthstone. I'm giving it my all to develop as a player and I look forward to competing in the Fnatic jersey!

Time to get to work.
Mens en af hovedpersonerne fra fnatic, Patrik "cArn" Sättermon, også har lidt at ytre.
Today we are reaching yet another milestone in Fnatic with our addition of Hearthstone to our already well-known and successful gaming divisions. We have been amazed by Hearthstone's recent growth in eSports, and even more so by the excitement and passion this community has shown during both the on-site and online competitions. With that being said I would like to officially welcome Bertil "Frezzar" Fall to our organisation, a player we strongly believe has the potential and mindset to establish himself as a world-leading HS player. The signing of Frezzar is one of our first steps into this new game and the community can expect more to come from Fnatic Hearthstone in the nearest future - let the games begin!

Det er stadig uvist, hvornår Frezzar skal have sin første turneringsdebut for fnatic. Som cArn skriver ovenover, vil der højt sandsynligt blive rekrutteret flere medlemmere til fnatic indenfor Hearthstone.