Det tyske Counter-Strike: Global Offensive mandskab, Playing Ducks, har i længere tid haft to danskere på holdkortet. Det var henholdsvis Sune "crZy" Hansen og Morten "coloN" Johansen, men de er nu begge fortid hos holdet.

De to danskere, crZy og coloN, skal fra dags dato på jagt efter et nyt hold. De to spillere er ikke længere en del af holdet, da de erstattes af den tidligere mousesports-spiller, Oliver "kzy" Heck, og Andre "Andrue" Dangel. Begge spillere har tidligere været en del af organisationen.


  •   André "Kirby" Kempa
  •  Markus "Whoopie" Berger
  •  Kevin "kev1n" Baumgardt
  •  Oliver "kzy" Heck
  •  Andre "Andrue" Dangel
Danske crZy skriver følgende omkring situationen på hans Facebook:
So we have decided to part ways with Playing Ducks !

We had a great time playing here, and we enjoyed our time with the team.

However not all things lasts forever, and the time for us playing in this team has come to and end.

Our lasts results have had a hard impact on the atmosphere within the team, and i always set extremely high goals when playing, so when not being able to achieve those goals, it demotivates you. We did play good in the last season of EPS, and we had a great chemistry, they are a great bunch of guys, and i really hope they can perform without me and coloN, cause they deserve it and they are willing to use the time needed to go to the top.

I would like to thank Andre, Kevin, Markus, Jannik, Heike & Thorsten for the time in Playing Ducks, and we both wish the best for them in the future.

More news about our future will come soon!

Today we will play DHW qualifier with a mix!
Som det kan læses ovenover, er det ikke slut for i hvert fald crZy. Der ledes med lys og lygte efter et nyt hold. Med tiden får man at se, hvad det ender op med for de nu to holdløse spillere.