Det lå lidt i kortene, at den franske topspiller, Gordon "Sf" Giry, fra Epsilon ville blive smidt ud af holdet, efter han sent i nat modtog et VAC ban. Et VAC ban, der få timer senere betød, at Dreamhack arrangørerne valgte at smide Epsilon ud af den kommende turnering i næste weekend, hvor der er 250.000 dollars på højkant.

Nu er det officielt. Epsilon har besluttet at smide Gordon "Sf" Giry ud som følge af skandalen, der ramte ham og holdet i nat.

Organisationen har selv foretaget en kort undersøgelse af sagen, hvor Gordon "Sf" Giry selv har indrømmet, at han har snydt.

We have carried out a quick investigation along with information from Valve, and have also received an admittance of guilt from SF himself. This means that we have moved quickly to remove SF and make sure that we act in a manner that suits this situation.

Endvidere udtaler en tydeligt skuffet holdkaptajn, Robin "GMX" Stahmer, at han intet vidste om de ufine metoder - og at Gordon "Sf" Giry har fortalt ham, at han kun har snydt en enkelt gang i en matchmaking kamp.

As you may know, last night was a shock for the whole scene (for Titan and us). This is not something that usually happens, and I didn’t expect that kind of thing to occur at that level of Counter Strike. Obviously we didn’t know that Sf cheated , and how long he cheated for, and was it one time only? All I know is that he told me that he cheated once in a Matchmaking, that’s all.

Sf is obviously no longer part of the team, but this is something that we must not forget. We’re not going to Dreamhack, and this is maybe one of the worst feelings I’ve had to endure. I wish it never happened, but it did, so now we must go on and forget this nightmare.

Organisationen har endnu ikke besluttet, hvorvidt de vil kræve en form for kompensation eller erstatning fra Gordon "Sf" Giry for den skade han har forvoldt holdet og organisationen.