Et af de tilbageværende medlemmer på Titan holdet, Mathieu "Maniac" Quiquerez, tager, efter et par dage i stilhed, nu bladet fra munden og fortæller om, hvordan han har oplevet skandalen, hvor hans holdkammerat, Hovik "KQLY" Tovmassian, først modtog et VAC ban, som efterfølgende resulterede i, at Titan blev udelukket fra Dreamhack - og slutteligt indrømmede han selv at have snydt.

Mathieu "Maniac" Quiquerez forklarer først og fremmest, at han har forholdt sig tavs, fordi han ikke ville kommentere på sagen, da han frygtede, at følelserne ville få frit spil. Han lægger dog i dagens udtalelse, som er publiceret via hans Facebookside, ikke skjul på, at han er dybt skuffet over Hovik "KQLY" Tovmassians handlinger.

First, about KQLY ; Eventhough I can’t be sure (and nobody can) in what measure he used this cheat, I still can’t forgive him for taking such a tremendous risk for the team. If his version is true (that he just tested it) then I blame him for lack of consciouness. 

På grund af de tre store sager om snyd, der har rystet den internationale Counter-Strike scene i denne uge, er det nu blevet almen viden, at der findes en form for snyd, der angiveligt kan forbedre ens aim i spillet med eksempelvis ti procent. 

Det er uvist, hvorvidt det er denne form for snyd som Hovik "KQLY" Tovmassian har anvendt, men for Mathieu "Maniac" Quiquerez kommer informationen af denne type snyd som en overraskelse.

Before I heard about this drama, I wasn’t even aware that you could just „boost your aim for 10%“ or something like this. In my head, if a player was performing in Non-BYOC tournament, then he was just a beast… Sadly enough, we’ve all realised that reality isn’t that simple and that’s hard for me to accept… I just can’t realise how you can consciously cheat in that kind of tournaments and still looking at yourself in a mirror.

Mathieu "Maniac" Quiquerez skyder også med skarpt mod Valve, som, ifølge ham, langt fra har været dygtige nok i deres kommunikation med holdet i sagen. Således er han helt på linje med organisationen, Titan, som tidligere i dag også kritiserede Valve.

Slutteligt fastholder Mathieu "Maniac" Quiquerez, at sagen ikke har fået hverken ham selv eller hans hold til at miste modet og motivationen.

Finally, about my team. Let me tell you something ; Eventho i’ve been really sad in the last couple of days about this situation, I have NEVER BEEN SO MOTIVATED. On Wednesday I’ll finally regather with my team at the gaming house and my only objective will be to help my teammates so that we can reborn from our ashes. It’s never been in my personality to feel like « a victim ». Such difficult event make the binds betweens individuals tighter and stronger. If we can pull us through, the other teams will have to fear us, cause our motivation and our voluntee will have no limits. Yes we’re in a dark situation. Yes we will miss probably the biggest event of the year. But we will fight and come back stronger, that, I can promise you. We will first focus on ESEA with our coach ioRek as 5th and then we will have some times to think about the future and figure out the best solution for us.

Efter Titan blev udelukket fra Dreamhack Winter, er det lykkedes for blandt andre danske Copenhagen Wolves at kvalificere sig i deres sted.