Topspillere risikerer i teorien at blive afpresset ved store turneringer, hvis en cheat-programmør vil have andel i pengepræmien. Det fortæller en tidligere tysk udvikler af snyd, som ønsker at være anonym, i et interview til

Den tyske programmør, som i interviewet med hævder, at han ikke længere er aktiv i miljøet, hvor der programmeres snyd, siger også, at der er helt op mod 30 spillere, som benytter sig af snyd. Hvorvidt der her er tale om topspillere, er uvist, men den anonyme programmør slår fast, at der er stor sandsynlighed for, at der vil være spillere, som snyder til Dreamhack.

Læs også: fxy0 "KQLY har snydt siden 2013".

For eksempel er den danske cheat programmør, Tobys', kildekode stadig hemmeligholdt, hvilket betyder, at den ikke registreres af anti-cheat programmerne.

Everyone that has been cheating will continue doing so. supex0 has probably updated his hacks. 

But the hacks from the Danish coder, VALVe doesn’t even have a source code of it so it remains undetected. The only ones that have been busted were those who used supex0’s hacks. What we could do is to keep the DLL files and once the Anti-Cheat tools reached a certain point we could prove the hack. You can compare it with doping, the blood samples are stored a certain time until they are able to prove the doping with new tests. It goes the same way with undetected cheats from which you don’t know their source code.

Programmøren siger endda, at hvis snyd ved Dreamhack skal være uundgåeligt, så kræver det, at Valve udgiver en opdatering ganske få timer inden turneringen, hvis programmørerne ikke skal kunne nå at finde en smutvej.

Læs også: Efter snyd: Titan kritiserer Valve.

If VALVe published an update in order to detect the cheat only a few hours before DreamHack starts then there would be high chances of a cheat-free event. But if VALVe releases the update 24-48 hours prior to the event then there is enough time for the Coders to modify their hacks. The hacks are being disabled whenever there is a new update so that the coders can take a look at the update and modify their hack. This process takes about two days, the hack then is undetected again.

Det er især på grund af de stigende præmiepuljer i de store Counter-Strike turneringer, der i de seneste år har været gunstige for cheat-programmørerne.

The prize money is so high nowadays that players can live of it and therefore use cheats. If the prize money was still as low as it used to be several years ago, the Cheat-coder scene wouldn’t be nearly as big as it is now.

It has been rumored that supex0 received shares of the price money so that player XY was able to continue using the hack.

Mest foruroligende for de topspillere, der måske har anvendt snyd og som måske deltager til Dreamhack, så er snyden programmeret således, at det er programmøren, der trykker på knappen, når snyden skal aktiveres og deaktiveres.

Læs også: Dreamhack udelukker Titan og Epsilon efter snyd.

Derfor er der en teoretisk mulighed, ifølge programmøren for, at topspillere, som har snyd tilknyttet deres Steam konto, kan blive taget med fingrene i kagedåsen til Dreamhack Winter senere på ugen.

He has got the power over everyone using his cheat. He can decide when he activates and deactivates the cheat. He could also just say that he deactivated the hack and activate it during DreamHack and all the players would get VAC-banned. He already earned a lot of money. But the question is why would he pull off such a move, it would backfire him and scare his customers away.

He can deactivate and activate each player as he pleases. He could theoretically blackmail the players, saying he wants a certain percentage of the price money.

Sagerne om snyd begyndte at rulle for en uge siden, da Simon "smn" Beck blev fanget af Valves anti-cheat program, VAC. Hele interviewet med programmøren kan læses i sin fulde længde på