Joey "fxy0" Schlosser lyver, når han siger, at landsmanden Hovik "KQLY" Tovmassian har snydt systematisk siden 2013. Det siger Hovik "KQLY" Tovmassian nu i et interview til det franske e-sportsite,

Joey "fxy0" Schlosser anklagede den tidligere Titan spiller, Hovik "KQLY" Tovmassian, for at have snydt gennem en længere periode, efter han modtog et VAC ban torsdag

Siden da har det sværmet med rygter og beskyldninger mod topspillere, der mistænkes for snyd - og Hovik "KQLY" Tovmassian peger netop på, at Joey "fxy0" Schlossers anklager blot er gisninger.

What is a real shame is that today, people publish everything and anything. Regarding fxy0's case, he just gives his opinion, which is normal, but you can't give credibility to someone who is blacklisted by all top teams. He is strong, its a fact, but he has progress to make in other domains. He should not judge me, because he doesn't know me.

Skillwise, I had ups and downs, depending off the teams I played with. Back to the Clan Mystic days, my skill was higher than today, because I was free to do whatever I wanted, and having a calm leader like HaRts... You really are confident in all your moves, especially because nobody knew me and I could surprise them. It has been a huge boost for my reputation (don't forget KennyS’ level when he played for Clan Mystic).

Then when I played for LDLC, specially after my fail at Katowice, professionnal players knew my style, and they started countering me. It was harder for me to keep the level I had. There were ups and downs, my game was more prepared, more structured, less free, and of course with less frags. Long story short, I never had an amazing skill. I had some good moments, but there was also long periods where I just threw all the games, offline or online.

To conclude with, I failed my two first majors, both with my teams and as a player. If I cheated in LAN events, why wouldn’t I do it during the two big events?

Skandalen om Hovik "KQLY" Tovmassian, som snød, fik hurtigt arrangørerne af Dreamhack til at ekskludere Titan fra Dreamhack Winter, som begynder i morgen. Præcis en uge efter, at franskmanden blev taget for snyd.