En af Counter-Strike 1.6 største danske legender, Danny "zonic" Sørensen, hinter nu, at han måske vender tilbage aktivt til spillet efter at have været ude i en længere periode. Derved kommer han til at gøre sin første entré i Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Det velkendte ansigt er uden tvivl mest kendt fra hans tid hos mTw, hvor han - sammen med blandt andre Oliver "minet" Minet, der også tidligere hintede, at han måske ville vende tilbage - hev flere nævneværdige resultater i land.

De sidste mange dage har zonic streamet på daglig basis, og mange har ventet spændt på at se, om hvorvidt det var fordi, at han ville tilbage. I dag løftede han endelig sløret for sine fremtidige planer inden for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - og det er godt nyt.

I think it is time for me to update you guys on what is going on with me streaming alot more lately!

Many of you have asked me if I will return to competitive gaming again and the answer is: maybe!

Ever since my retirement back in 2012 it is no secret that I have been wanting to play as it has been a great part of my life and the joy of having competition in your life and the possibilities of travelling around the World is something that I miss dearly.

However, being on the scene for many years means that I am "not" young anymore (28 years old >_<) and with the expenses of car, bills, rent, loan etc. means that I cannot return to professional gaming without some sort of income.

A few weeks back I was approached by a guy who wanted me to return to professional gaming, and maybe (AND ONLY MAYBE!) will that happen in the nearest future. There are currently 4318 who likes my Facebook page and you guys are the majority reason for me to consider returning!

However, a return to professional gaming for me is obviosuly not the same if I wouldn't play with some former mTw lads.

I goddamn miss playing CS and I am starting to fall in love with "the devil" (CS:GO!).

Som det kan læses ovenover, er det altså ikke sikkert endnu, at han vender tilbage, men meget kunne tyde på det. Gaming.dk prøver at få fat i hovedpersonen for en kommentar så hurtigt som muligt.