Det er ikke gået specielt godt for Cloud9 i den igangværende League of Legends-split, og nu får det så konsekvenser for holdet. Will "Meteos" Hartman træder ned, og så vender den "pensionerede" Hai "Hai" Du Lam tilbage som shotcaller og jungler for Cloud9.

Annonceringen kommer via holdets hjemmeside, hvor Meteos fortæller, at det bestemt ikke har været nemt, og beslutningen er taget efter længere tids overvejelse.

"This was a difficult decision to make as clearly things on C9 have not been working out. I think stepping back for now and letting someone else jungle will help the team atmosphere and keep Cloud9 competitive in the LCS.” - Meteos.

Cory Heimbecker fortæller, at det har været Meteos egen beslutning, og understreger, at Meteos ikke forlader organisationen.

Given the C9 League of Legends team’s performance this split and carefully evaluating the situation, Meteos has decided it would be best for the team to step down as our Jungler for Cloud9. We hope all our fans trust that this decision was his own and not made rashly. It was our aim to announce this on our own timeline but given the situation, we want to clear up any questions and concerns.

To be clear, Meteos is not leaving Cloud9. He will very much remain an important part of the team and will be working on another yet to be announced capacity. We also recognize that some of the language used so far mentioned an “emergency” update so we want to clarify that thankfully there is no health or family emergency. Meteos and the team very much appreciate the community’s concerns.

Will "Meteos" Hartmans rolle er ikke udspillet for Cloud9, og ejer Jack Etienne fortæller, at Meteos bliver sub for LCS-holdet og stadig vil spille en aktiv rolle for Cloud9. 

Cloud9's AD carry, Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi, fortæller i en video, at kombinationen af de fem spillere bare ikke "klikkede". Det gik ikke dårligt, men bestemt heller ikke godt, fortsætter han. Du kan se klippet herunder.

Det vides endnu ikke, om Hai "Hai" Du Lam er tilbage som en fast mand, eller blot er med midlertidigt.