En ellers stille søndag udviklede sig til at blive lidt af et stormvejr, da to af Frankrigs bedste Counter-Strike: Global Offensive mandskaber lukkede, hvorefter Team LDLC genopstod.

Det startede med, at den tidligere VeryGames spiller, Kenny "kennyS" Schrub, på Facebook skrev, at han var blevet stukket i ryggen. Kort efter blev det offentliggjort, at LDLC.com samlede et fransk hold op bestående af spillere fra Nameless og Clan-Mystik. Heridblandt tre spillere, som også var at finde på det tidligere Team LDLC hold, som lukkede i august, i form af Dan "apEX" Madesclaire, Vincent "Happy" Cervoni og Mathieu "Maniac" Quiquerez.


  • Vincent "Happy" Cervoni
  • Dan "apEX" Madesclaire
  • Kévin "Uzzziii" Vernel
  • Hovik "KQLY" Tovmassian
  • Mathieu "Maniac" Quiquerez

Den nu tidligere Clan-Mystik spiller, apEX, udtaler følgende til holdets hjemmeside, som HLTV.org dog har oversat til engelsk.

We now enter a new dimension because we can finally call ourselves professional. Marty (LDLC manager) made us an offer to recreate the core of our old lineup (Maniac, Happy and myself) but this time with a professional set-up. We had longed for that. That is sort of the Holy Grail. When you are a gamer, this is the reward for years of hard work.

To complete this team we chose KQLY, who is one of the biggest hopes in the scene nowadays, he has a lot of skill and the desire to learn.

Lastly, we picked Uzziii. Having a person like him is very important. You may not see him as a star, but is not players who are very famous that win matches for you, but players who can turn a match around and who have nerves of steel.

Det var dog ikke kun apEX, der følte, han skulle ytre et par ord, da kennyS ligeledes har skrevet sine tanker på fransk, som en bruger på HLTV.org har oversat til engelsk.

I don't know where to begin, first I'd like to thank GMX who definitely didn't deserve that highquality ass fucking, also thank to him who woke me up this morning telling me that news.

I'm only half surprised about that news because I know the players from the team. Danny (apex) after 2 tries finally reaches his goals, the most hypocritical and opportunistic player in the scene has what he wanted : A salary.

However I'm extremely disappointed by my former team mates, especially Maniac.
Indeed, under his reliable and smarter looks he forgot to tell us he was going the opposite way.

I remember the words (from apex) which were mines after DH WINTER, a lan where apex completely fail. He came to Maniac and me and asked us to kick the "noob" (yeah that's how apex was calling uzzzi 2 weaks ago), we obviously refused with maniac because it was unthinkable to change anything before the IEM. Well looks like I was the only honest person at the end...

I'm not mad at uzzzi, the man has no personality and is easily influenced, same goes for Happy (cause he is a leader), $$$$ was too strong this time.

I wish team LDLC good luck though, use our slot well for the EMS ONE.

Thank for everyone's support, I really didn't deserve it this time I swear :D !
A little thought for every other victims of apex

Det er en tydeligt frustreret kennyS, som nu efterlades uden hold ligesom de resterende fra Nameless og Clan-Mystik. Det er endnu ikke offentliggjort, om disse laver et nyt hold sammen, eller om de søger andre udfordringer.

Team LDLC kommer første gange på prøve, når de skal dyste ved EMS One Katowice i midten af marts, hvor de beholder Nameless' plads i turneringen.